What is Homeopathy?

November 8, 2019 Ruth Dana

Homeopathy is central to how Dr. Dana generally treats mental illness, as it offers many patients in need an alternative to conventional medicine that has very few associated risks or negative effects.

It is a traditional medicine that began in the 18th century, stemming from Samuel Hahnemann’s observations that “like cures like”. He found that when a healthy individual ingests either too much of a substance, or a prepared dilution of a substance, it can create a reproducible constellation of symptoms. And, according to Hahnnamen’s “law of similars”, when the symptoms produced by a particular substance are similar to the symptoms in an individual whom is sick, taking a very dilute preparation of that noxious substance often has a healing effect. This is thought to work by the remedy stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Homeopathic remedies are made by using water to create extremely dilute preparations. These remedies are widely available at a low cost at most health food stores for convenience, as it is a widely used medicine. Some homeopathic medicines can be successfully applied more easily than others, ie arnica is commonly used for injuries where tissue is bruised and painful. Keep in mind, however, that homeopathic medicine is an individualized healing art form, with over 3,000 remedies, and it is the job of the experienced homeopath to objectively gather your case and prescribe the remedy that is most likely to help.

Examples of conditions Dr. Dana commonly treats using homeopathy:

Bipolar disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
PANS/PANDAS or tic disorders
Fibromyalgia or chronic pain
Cognitive impairment or dementias
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

She especially loves treating physical symptoms that seem to have come on with specific stress or emotional trauma and has successfully treated conditions such as chronic bacterial vaginitis, incontinence and irritable bowel syndrome, to name a few.

Please contact Dr. Dana’s office today for a free consultation to find if homeopathy is an appropriate treatment for you!